Candy Pang Tournament by SFI ^_^

EVENT 1: Candypang Tournament

As of the end of 2012, SHINee's leader Onew grabbed the title of the Idol Candypang King.
Following in our leader's footsteps, SFI will be hosting a Candypang Tournament of our own!
This contest will consist of two main events: the Candypang Tournament itself and the Side Challenge.
Click here to find out how you can participate!

EVENT 2: Candypang Tournament Side Challenge

This side challenge has been created for everyone to take part in, so that even those who don't have
Candypang installed on their phones can have fun as well. The main objective is to have your score guess be
closest to the winning score. How high or low do you think the winner will score? Make your guesses, Shawols!

 from : Kinaminji [shawol]....


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