Run ARMY! 2019 - Worldwide Scavenger Hunt (Ep.1)

Haha... just look at the title! So, instead of 'Run BTS! 2019', we now have 'Run ARMY! 2019'  XD

People said it's like 'Pokemon Go' but better. Hunting the QR code is the weirdest thing I can think that I will do, but I did it anyway. All is normal when you in this fandom. (lol, but yeah, it's true). Well, not really 'go out and hunting' but more than 'sit down and hunting' because I only can do online hunting. *insert sad emoji*

The website, ARMYPEDIA started to open yesterday and there's a lot more puzzle to unlock. I love this. When I scan the QR code, there's a little quiz and sometimes I don't know the answer but it's okay. You know why? that means I can learn a new fact about BTS and I love it!

I think I need to screenshot all the members 'diary' and post here, because why not? So, here it is:

There's a lot more QR code for me to collect. How interesting this day will be, right? We, BTS ARMY got a lot of content in a short time. Look at how spoil we are. Haha.

See you again~


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