SNS King, Kim Jong Hyun ~~~

Before you read this entry, you need to know...


Hai u all's~~~

ok, feeling nak menggedik sikit pepagi ni(walaupun aku tahu,dah nak masuk tengah hari pun ni)...

Sebenarnya nak buat entry kali ni bukanlah aper sangat, cuma nak share my love about SHINee...

Yelah, walaupun sebenarnya dah lama la jugak citer ni, tapi nak jugak citer kat korang sekarang....hahahahaha........


Sebenarnya..............(tengah cari ayat nak tulis,jap eh)......

Ha, sebenarnya awal pagi tadi Kina bukak twitter, yelah, saje2 online...
And, tetibe ternampak #Happy20000thDaySHINee trending kat Twitter pepagi tadi...


Lepas tu, aper lagi, nak stalk twitter Jonghyun x pandai sebab aku ni buta huruf (bahasa korea)...

Nak senang, aku pun dengan sukarelanya bukaklah laman web SHINee Forum International .......
Yer, laman web nilah dimana semua informasi terkini tentang SHINee diupdate...

Korang nak tau ape?semua ada kat sini...
Korang tinggal tekan jer...

Ok, pastu bermulalah hari aku dengan baca translation from JongHyun twitter....


Stalk punyer stalk, adalah dalam 2 entry aku berkenan...
Ha, nilah yang aku nak citer ngan korang hari ni...

Entry pertama tentang [Same Story] おなじ話

Sebenarnya Same Story ni ialah lagu Jepun...
Tapi aku dapat cari yang English version punyer la...
Memang jangkaan aku tak meleset, yang tengok video ni recently kat youtube ialah SHAWol (fans) macam aku ni... Memang kuat betul pengaruh kpop ni...

Kat bawah ni adalah screenshot dari twitter Jonghyun beserta translation dari SFI Member... 
Full Credit to : J.Kimkeysemily

 Kim Jonghyun: This is a song I heard randomly a few years ago.. But no matter how much I look, I can't find it... It's a Japanese song.. And a male-female duet!
The lyrics I remember are... Doko ni iru no mado no soba ni iru yo nani wo shitteru no nani mo shitte nai yo, it was like that... If anyone knows, let me know!

Kim Jonghyun: I just remembered.. The contents of the lyrics were... The man is blind, so he keeps asking the woman, 'Where are you? What are you doing?', and the woman keeps answering, 'I'm by your side. I'm not doing anything'... It was such a good song... Find it together with me ㅜㅡㅠ

Kim Jonghyun: "The Same Story"! I got it! Thank you ♥♥

mmm, kat sini aku embed kan video tu...
Lepas tengok balik lirik dia, cam lagu sedih jer...

Ni lirik Same Story tu...

Hello, where are you right now?
I'm sitting beside the window still

What are you doing right now?
I'm not doing anything at all

Why don't you come here instead?
Sure, I'll be there soon, just hang on a bit

So, tell me what happened today.
Well, nothing at all, tell me about yours.

Hello, where are you right now?
I'm sitting beside the one that I love

What are you looking at now?
I'm looking at you right now, of course

Where are you going, don't leave!
Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere

I promise to be with you till the end

And it was then
That i gazed upon your face

And it never ends
Guess it's always the same story

Hello, tell me where you are
Right next to your room, and yet I'm so far

What are you doing in there?
I'm writing a letter, there's nothing to fear

Are you still here with me?
I'm sorry I've got to leave real soon

So, tell me what happened today.

And it was then
That i gazed upon your face

And it was then
That I laughed while I cried cause I knew

This is goodbye
Had the same dream again last night

This is goodbye
But it's always a same story

haaa, korang rasa???lagu sedih ni kan???

4TH :

n aku adalah terjump satu entry lagi tentang isu ketinggian....

hahahaha ^_^...sebenarnya pada pandangan aku lah kan, si Jonghyun ni tak delah rendah mana kan? cuma ketinggian dia special sikit dari artis lain...hehehe...

ni dia screenshot twitter Jonghyun n macam biasa translation dari member SFI .....
Full Credit to : Butterfly B

: MCountdown! There's a brief live talk segment! Ha hahaha! But the MCs are Kim Woobin and the other one is Junyoung hyung...keke....ha....MCD...hates me...

Jonghyun : See the cm...? (T/N: This is a screenshot of Kim Woobin's profile.)

Jonghyun : Cm...? (T/N: This is a screenshot of Jung Junyoung's profile.)

Jonghyun :  Look forward to a three shot! Ke I'm gonna hate Mnet! ~~^^♥
Jonghyun : I'm thinking about asking them to put a chair up there and never getting up from it. Go for an arrogant concept.

Jonghyun : In the middle of asking "Woobin hyung, what do I have to do to grow?"

Jonghyun : Sitting down was comfortable

Jonghyun : Woobin hyong ♥ and me ♥ kekekekege..., ,...,.

Jonghyun : Nice Junyoung hyung and Woobin hyung. Today, I felt the epitome of relative deprivation. MCD, where you can feel the epitome of opposites! Kehe I can't escape it, so I'll just have to enjoy it kehe



cute kan?... no wonder la Jonghyun ni ramai peminat...
Yerlah, aku ni pun bukan la fanatic fan apatah lagi Sasaeng fan...

Cumalah seorang fan...



5TH :

Okla, sumpah ni last....

Tak kira la korang ni peminat SHINee ke, SNSD ke, MBLAQ ke, EXO ke, or whatever...

Jom join vote diorang untuk MAMA AWARDS 2013 ni...

klik sini --> MAMA AWARDS 2013

(aku rase korang kena log in untuk vote, in case email yahoo x diterima, korang boleh guna gmail... ^_^)

Let's show our support!!!!!!!

(p/s : simpan tenaga nak buat entry lain pulak :p)



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