Take a break with Ryan Higa


So, the story is… I am having fun surfing Youtube for a while and somehow I found something that will make my day happier. What is that? Who is that?

Ryan Higa

Yes, this two Youtube channel will gave you the experience you never have before. (Hmm… it’s sounds like some advertisement… lol) Ryan Higa is the most popular and funny Vlogger I have ever seen! (Who gave this rank? Hmm.. it’s obviously me! Duhh~)

Maybe you get depressed and maybe you stress with the work, take a break and enjoy the video. I’m not saying this video will make your burden go away completely, but it’s kind of helping you a little bit. (If that’s not happen to you, then I don’t know what to say because it’s work for me ^_^)

I embed 3 video that I think is helping me. He has a LOT of video so I can’t embed all of them and you can find the video easily by watching NigaHiga and HigaTV channel. Don’t forget to subscribe! (Once again it sounds like advertisement~ XD)

This is one of my favourite? Why? Because it's so hilarious. The Korean word just something nonsense to being a song but that's the point of this music video. I am totally will watch this again.

Sweet Wholesome Gal! I love this song and love the ending twist. Must watch!

Okay… that’s all. I love to share my happiness to you all my beloved friends. So, make sure to check this out~

Oh! Ryan Higa has a website too! here >>> HigaTv

(***go back to study Korean)



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