Big Bad Wolf Books 2019 | Need to calm myself and freaked out at the same time~


So, last week I go to The Big Bad Wolf Book Sale at Mydin Mall Mutiara Rini, JB. (No picture there because I'm so excited and forgot to take any. lol) It's me, my brother, my SIL and my niece. We spend a long time there. I'm so excited when I arrived at the 'English Novels' section. You know, just casually walking around reading a synopsis and pick some books. Not so much that caught my interest and I manage to find one that looks interesting. Let's see what books I bought that day:

Oh! I forgot about that awesome button batch thingy. Haha. Did you see that? BTS's button batch? It's from one small booth at the exit of BBW. I can't help it, I need to buy it and add it to my collection. Haha. Don't ask me why... it's a 'fans thing'. :p

So, the story is... my niece also buy a button batch from the same booth and she got the colorful version of 'J-Hope On The Street' button batch which is kind of cool! I may be getting so excited and missed that one when I looked through the collection. Omg!

Well, it's still okay. The white one is still pretty. 

Back to the books. I grabbed 2 books only for myself (because there are so many books that I go blind... jk) I'm a 'housewife' (lol) so, a recipe book is a must. At the moment I saw that book, I know I need it. Haha. The other one is 'THE STONE HOUSE' written by A. K. Benedict. The book said 'From the universe of DOCTOR WHO' but I never watch that tv-series so, I don't know the relation of the two stories. But, I do love the story so far (I'm halfway reading it btw...)

Well, the rest of it... I guess you already know by now. XD It's for my lovely 'niblings' (is that a word?)

Spiderman set for my nephew a soft book for little Adam and 'Princess Doodle Book' for my nieces. They are so happy when the got this. I'm weak when I see a cute smile on their face. Awhh...

Here is my only picture that day, because why not? Haha...


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