
It's arrived!

Finally, THE NOTES has safely arrived here. I'm so excited~ I placed an order on BigHit Official Shop on January, a few days after the preorder opened.

It's been a while and I'm waiting passionately (?) to read this book.

Now it's here. Honestly, I'm a bit late when I'm starting to type this post. Don't blame me~ I planned to read this book within a week but when I start reading a few pages, I can't stop. I want to know more! What happens to them? What else I don't know yet. What is the new story that we don't know? Without realizing, I lost track of time and finish reading it in a day. Opss...

About the packaging, the item arrived in a box and protected by bubble wrap, it's good packaging.

^ it's like a gift for myself ^_^

^ The book is smaller than expected but it's cute so I don't really bother about the size. Can you see the design of the jacket? The scheme color is cool! It's like a sunset. This is the color for the English version. The Korean and Japanese version got a different color but all scheme color is cute~

^ Tadaa! The book comes with a cute notebook. It's a preorder gift.

^ Let's open the plastic~

^ A matching design of the book and the notebook

^ The back cover of the book. Can you read it? ^_^

^ Inside of the front jacket...

^ Inside of the back jacket...

^ If you open the jacket cover, the inside will look like this.

^ Let's give you a sneak peek of the random page I open. Hehe.

^ Then, this is a notebook. I thought the notebook is a single line notebook, turned out it's a blank notebook. It's even better! We can write or even make it as a sketchbook. But I know I won't use it anyway. Haha. The notebook will be displayed nicely on the shelf. Oh, btw the paper is not so thick. It's okay if you use pencil or pen but I think it will not survive some sort of marker pen. You can try it if you want.

^ I don't know why I feel happy whenever I see this logo~

Last but not least, this is on the last page of the book. Unfortunately it's in Hangul and obviously, I know how to read Hangul but I suck at understanding the meaning. So, I need to learn Korean right now. Haha. and yes, it's blurred purposely. Don't ask me why. lol. Sorry.

So, have you read this book yet? I have read this book and there's some answer that I need in this book. I guess it will have book #2 because obviously it's not finished yet. I mean, how come it's finished with someone's nightmare? It's not right, isn't it? Haha. It's already obvious when the jacket also said it's a #1 book. 

If you haven't read it yet, I strongly recommend you to buy this book. Of course, it's a little expensive for a person like me. I feel you T_T but this book worth it. Believe me. 

Where to buy?

If you want it to post from Korea and especially from BigHit Shop itself, of course, you can buy it from BigHit Official Shop. If you from Malaysia, the trustworthy shop I recommend is @Krazy.Store.Mart on Instagram. You from somewhere else? I believe there's one on Amazon.

There's always a way to get this book ^_^

p/s: I bought something BTS related today, can't wait to share it with you guys. Hehe. I will update when the items arrived. Stay tuned~


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