Hai, hai...
Sekarang dah masuk minggu ke2 Kina berada di UiTM Puncak Perdana ni...
So far, semuanya ok... (dah mula ada kerja dah...biasalah tu, student kan...)
But, apa yang Kina nak ceritakan hari ni bukanlah tentang betapa banyaknya kerja yang harus dibuat ataupun betapa susahnya untuk melukis figure bagi yang beginner... bukan ya, bukan pasal tu... (lain kali mungkinlah kot...ikut mood...haha...)
Tapi entry ni adalah tentang Leisure Time... (mungkin cari hiburan sikit...grooming mind for studies...bukan sesaje ye...)
64-1, Jalan SS15/4D,
47500 Subang Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
Hai, hai...
Sekarang dah masuk minggu ke2 Kina berada di UiTM Puncak Perdana ni...
So far, semuanya ok... (dah mula ada kerja dah...biasalah tu, student kan...)
But, apa yang Kina nak ceritakan hari ni bukanlah tentang betapa banyaknya kerja yang harus dibuat ataupun betapa susahnya untuk melukis figure bagi yang beginner... bukan ya, bukan pasal tu... (lain kali mungkinlah kot...ikut mood...haha...)
Tapi entry ni adalah tentang Leisure Time... (mungkin cari hiburan sikit...grooming mind for studies...bukan sesaje ye...)
64-1, Jalan SS15/4D,
47500 Subang Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
credit picture to :
Satu tempat yang awesome!!! (terutamanya for boardgame mania...)
Kitorang berlima... Kina, Ain, Nabil, Syafiq dan Nuh...
bersantai memakan snek dan meminum minuman class la kononnya...haha...
A bit pricey (untuk kina lah, tak tau pulak untuk org lain...mungkin biasa je kot...),
but it's quite okay... i like that place...
1 jam - RM6/person (kalau untuk sesaje, pikir banyak kali jugak nak masuk...)
Apapun, Kina memilih Espresso (RM5) dan cream puff (FREE sebab order Espresso) untuk santapan petang... (chewah, ayat tak boleh blah...)
dan agak mengejutkan rupanya, espresso tu sebenarnya ialah kopi yang sangat PAHIT!!! (sebab tulah cawan dia sangat kecik sebenarnya...)
Tapi, cream puff dia memang sedap...
disebabkan lain daripada, Kina order 1 lagi minuman... (penghilang dahaga...)
ianya ialah Green Tea with Honey (RM6)...
rasa dia macam, yalah, green tea tanpa gula yang less sweet... (bukan tak de rasa, cuma kurang manis...)
My friends, Nabil order Nutella Latte (RM11) yang dalam dia ada marshmallow... sedap jugak (org bg rasa sikit...haha...)
n Syafiq order Iced Lemon Tea (tak ingat harga dia)...Biasa je...(cehh, Kina....mulut..........)
Tak delah...Kina tak rasa pun...tak taulah apa rasa dia...sedap kot...
Oh ya, Nuh pun order Green Tea with Honey...
Dalam sibuk menjamu selera...
Kitorang pun mainlah 2 jenis permainan...
Geistes Blitz dan The Munchkin...
Kitorang berlima... Kina, Ain, Nabil, Syafiq dan Nuh...
bersantai memakan snek dan meminum minuman class la kononnya...haha...
A bit pricey (untuk kina lah, tak tau pulak untuk org lain...mungkin biasa je kot...),
but it's quite okay... i like that place...
1 jam - RM6/person (kalau untuk sesaje, pikir banyak kali jugak nak masuk...)
Apapun, Kina memilih Espresso (RM5) dan cream puff (FREE sebab order Espresso) untuk santapan petang... (chewah, ayat tak boleh blah...)
dan agak mengejutkan rupanya, espresso tu sebenarnya ialah kopi yang sangat PAHIT!!! (sebab tulah cawan dia sangat kecik sebenarnya...)
Tapi, cream puff dia memang sedap...
disebabkan lain daripada, Kina order 1 lagi minuman... (penghilang dahaga...)
ianya ialah Green Tea with Honey (RM6)...
rasa dia macam, yalah, green tea tanpa gula yang less sweet... (bukan tak de rasa, cuma kurang manis...)
My friends, Nabil order Nutella Latte (RM11) yang dalam dia ada marshmallow... sedap jugak (org bg rasa sikit...haha...)
n Syafiq order Iced Lemon Tea (tak ingat harga dia)...Biasa je...(cehh, Kina....mulut..........)
Tak delah...Kina tak rasa pun...tak taulah apa rasa dia...sedap kot...
Oh ya, Nuh pun order Green Tea with Honey...
Dalam sibuk menjamu selera...
Kitorang pun mainlah 2 jenis permainan...
Geistes Blitz dan The Munchkin...
credit picture to :
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(credit to :
Geistesblitz is a fun game about speed of recognition / action where
there are 5 wooden objects, a White Ghost, Red Chair, Green Bottle, Blue
Book and a Grey Mouse and a deck of 60 cards. Each card has 2 of the
objects represented by their physical image and importantly by their
colour. On most of the cards the objects are coloured incorrectly so you
might have a green mouse sitting in a blue chair. However on some of
the cards one of the images will be correctly coloured e.g. a White
Ghost holding a Red Bottle.
The wooden objects are placed in the centre of the table and the game
then proceeds with all the cards face down being passed to the active
player. The active player turns over the top card and then all the
players have the opportunity to either grab the correctly coloured
object on the card OR the object that is missing from the card i.e.
neither its image nor colour is present. The person who is the first to
correctly grab the object receives the card. They will also receive a
card from any players that get it wrong! We played without this option
and would recommend that you do likewise for your first game as players
are familiarising themselves with the images, particularly when playing
with young children and adults
As the active player if you grab or call out the correct object you
retain the deck of cards and turn over the next card. If not then the
rules say you pass the deck to the person who was correct, in our games
we simplified this so that the deck was always passed to the next person
in a clockwise direction. The winner being the player who has the most
cards when the deck is exhausted.
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credit picture to :
(credit to :
Go down in the dungeon. Kill everything you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run.
Admit it. You love it.
This award-winning card game, designed by Steve Jackson,
captures the essence of the dungeon experience... with none of that
stupid roleplaying stuff. You and your friends compete to kill monsters
and grab magic items. And what magic items! Don the Horny Helmet and the
Boots of Butt-Kicking. Wield the Staff of Napalm... or maybe the
Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment. Start by slaughtering the Potted Plant
and the Drooling Slime, and work your way up to the Plutonium Dragon...
And it's illustrated by John Kovalic!
Fast-playing and silly, Munchkin can reduce any roleplaying group to
hysteria. And, while they're laughing, you can steal their stuff.
Munchkin is a satirical card game based on the clichés and oddities
of Dungeons and Dragons and other role-playing games. Each player starts
at level 1 and the winner is the first player to reach level 10.
Players can acquire familiar D&D style character classes during the
game which determine to some extent the cards they can play.
There are two types of cards - treasure and encounters. Each turn the
current players 'kicks down the door' - drawing an encounter card from
the deck. Usually this will involve battling a monster. Monsters have
their own levels and players must try and overcome it using the levels,
weapons and powers they have acquired during the game or run away. Other
players can chose to help the player or hinder by adding extra monsters
to the encounter. Defeating a monster will usually result in drawing
treasure cards and acquiring levels. Being defeated by a monster
results in "bad stuff" which usually involves losing levels and
Haha...pening kan nak baca? Abaikan jer description tu...
Tapi, game ni memang best Giler.....
Serious cakap dengan korang...
Memang best...
Dapat pulak kawan yang memang 1 kepala...
Korang patut datang tempat ni...
Kitorang berlima habis RM100++ datang kat tempat ni...kiranya lebih kurang RM20++ lah sorang (kira oklah tu...ya tak???)
(ni jelah timenye, lepas ni tak datang lagilah kot...atau datang time ada duit je la...haha)
Tu pun untuk grooming minda mengenal tempat2 macam ni...
Animation student kononnya...haha...
p/s : Lepas ni nak usha2 Escape Dungeon pulak lah...hihi...tak taulah dapat pergi ke tak...
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