Discover new world - Penpaling is awesome...


First of all, Happy New Year!!! Hehe, I should greet my lovely blogger readers first for this new year of 2015.

So, after several month not active blogging. I've came up with this topic that I think is awesome to share with the other people who like craft and get to know new people around the world...

On the first place, I don't know when or where I am starting to get involved with this 'crime'...haha.... It's just happen. Yes!!! Without I realise, I'm turning into penpaling lover so fast.

Well. Now, I discover too much great websites that loves penpaling too. One of my favourite is Geek Girl Penpals...

Yes, It's a community around the world with the same interest. Penpaling!!!

Until this entry was published, I have post out 9 letters for my new lovely penpals.
My first penpals from Philippines, Turkey, Indonesia, Srilanka, Germany and Brazil...

Well, eventhough I'm not receive any letters from my penpals yet, I feels happy to know that my penpals has received their letters.

I love sharing things that I love. Well, it's feel great to talk about comics or movies. Maybe share some daily life with the others. It's like we've been there with our penpals. Not phisically, but more mentally attached.

Well,after all...For those who wanted to share some interest with the other or just get to know new people, I suggest you come into this beautiful world. Where strangers become friends.

Penpaling is your answer!!!

Lastly, I want to share some of my picture about making letters. Owh, and don't forget the picture from my penpals too....All here... I hope you enjoying browsing my blog...

Thanks to @westbriones.mail and @diet.targeting.penpals for the feedback...I really appreciate it...I'll wait your letter ^_^

*for penpals reason, I think maybe I will published more entry in English. Eventhough my English is so-so... Allright,I can confirm that it's a dual language blog!!!

**For penpals that searching new penpals. You can DM my Instagram (@kinayasnain) anytime. You're welcome here....



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