Super cheap with free printable planner....

Peace Be Upon You…


Hola…have a nice day! You alls!! Haha…

Well, recently I’m a little bit (not so) busy to taking care of my newborn nephew, Adam.
I’m so happy to have a little Adam here. He’s make my life more happy. ^_^

So, what I want to write in this blog post, actually?

Guys/girls ! Well, I’m not going to write about little Adam today. It’s just a happy moment to share with you alls.

I’m full aware that recently, I have new interest (again) haha… No kidding. I always like to take interest into weird things.

In this case, PLANNER!

Well, I always thought that buy a new planner is a LOT pricey and will make my wallet cry. So, I’ve searching for another solution that will make my heart happy [same goes to my wallet. Hehe]

My ‘brilliant’ ideas is ‘MAKE MY OWN PLANNER’!..

Yes, why I must spend my money if I will get the planner with a cheaper way? Right?

So, here I will share with you alls how I make my own planner with free printable planner that I’ve got earlier on awesome websites.


1.       For the paper, I’m using drawing paper [165 gsm] A3 size. I will cut it into 4 pieces.
2.       Ruler.
3.       Scissor.
4.       Mechanical pencil [for measure the paper into 4 sections]
5.       Hole punch.
6.       Printer + Ink.
7.       Super cheap planner case.
8.       A lot of love and happy heart. [it’s important! ^_^]


We must have a PLANNER CASE.

I’ve buy this planner case in nearest bookstore in my hometown. I buy this with RM9.50. It’s cost approximately $3 dollars. Super cheap right? Haha.

Actually, this planner have so much cute picture and colorful. Just because I can’t read Chinese, with my heavy heart I take it out. _



Then, I’ve search and download free printable planner from ElizaEllis and

[This is the websites that I prefer. Well, u can get more here. TRUST ME ^_^]


I’ve cut the papers and print the free printable planner that I’ve download earlier.


Make a hole. Well, it’s much easier with 3 hole punch but I just using what I have to cut a cost. More saving~~~


Yeay! It’s time to put in the papers into planner case! And……….. IT’S DONE!

It’s super cheap, right? Haha. Who says we must have expensive planner?

This is what my planner look like :

All we must do is get a cute planner even with cheap cost. Price doesn’t matter. The happiness is the core. ^_^

Then, see you next time~~~




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