Graphic Tutorial : Blends No. 1

*This tutorial is made by me under the name Nana at Shadowplay. You can share it but please leave a credit to respected owner. This is included the owner of the resources.*
Play With Me Blends
-by Nana-

Hi, I’m Nana and this is my first tutorial ever. It is very simple blend that I make myself but I think the result is okay so I make this one as tutorial. As for this tutorial, I am using CLIP STUDIO PAINT.

Today, we’ll be make something like this :

You will need :

Model : I am using Park Shin Hye as a model. You can use anyone you prefer ^_^

Stock photos

-          Stairs (by WenPhotos)
-          Candle (by aschenputtel)
-          Light bulb (It's somewhere on Pixabay but I forgot to save the link)
-          Floral design (Once again it's somewhere on Pixabay) XD


Texture set (Light Me Up by Awesome Evey. I am using texture no. 7)
Texture no. 1 (I don't remember where I get this. So, if it's yours, please tell me)
Leaves (Danys Roque @DeviantArt)

…and final touch up – Topaz without Topaz by India

Import/add the stairs photo and scale/resize it. After that, I change the layer color to blue.

Click box no. 1 to change the color and box no. 2 to change the color.

It will be like this :

Import/add candle photo and scale/resize suit your taste. After that, set the layer to 100% soft light.
Import/add light bulb photo and once again scale/resize the photo like what you want and set the layer to 100% color dodge.

And so far, the result will be like this :

Yeay! Now time to import/add the model and hard cut all around model. You can do what composition you like and I am comfortable with this :

Import/add the floral design and place the layer right below the model 2 layer. Rotate the layer to 90 degree. Set the layer to 100% multiply and copy/paste/duplicate the layer.

It will be like this :

Are you still with me? Hehe… Okay, let’s continue…
Import/add the texture 1 right above the model 2. Resize if necessary.
Above the texture 1, import/add the leaves and resize so the leaves will be behind model 1. After that, same as step one, I change the layer color to maroon/dark red and it will be look like this :

Copy/paste/duplicate the layer and place it above model one. Erase the unnecessary leaves.
Like this one :

On top of all layer, I import/add texture seven. Resize if needed and set the layer to 100% overlay. Erase a little bit unwanted white on the model face.
It feels a little missing in there, so I add the shadow (it’s white, is it call shadow? Sorry for my bad English XD)

For making that, I copy/paste/duplicate leaves layer and place it below leaves layer. I am change the layer color to white and go to filter > blur > Gaussian blur. Set it to the number that you think suitable and click ok.

I do the same with the leaves that in front of model 1 too.
Last but not least, add the text…. ^_^ Now it’s done!

*For the finishing, I am using the tutorial Topaz without Topaz by India. I am using Photoshop CS6 for this finishing. Yes, I love to mixed my software~ *lol* What do you think? This is super simple right?

 Well, I do hope I can make more complex than this. So, maybe next tutorial? XD



*I'd love to thanks all the owner of the resources. Without their resources, my graphic is incomplete* ^_^

*This tutorial is made by me under the name Nana at Shadowplay. You can share it but please leave a credit to respected owner. This is included the owner of the resources.*



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