Best Buddy – Manhwa, books and Kina.


First of all, HAPPY LABOUR DAY! J

So, today I want to write about something I love. What is it? According to Oxford Student’s Dictionary Second Edition by Oxford Fajar, page 82. The meaning of ‘that’ thing is – written work that is published as printed pages fastened together inside a cover, or in electronic form. Can you guess what it is?


Yes, this is what I love, a books. There have so many types of books out there that waiting for us to read. I started collecting different genre and type of books since I was 12. Back then, I have an interest in comic or what Korean say, Manhwa (만화).

Until now I still love reading comics but not as much as I used to be back then. Now, I love collecting motivation book and novels. I even accepted the challenge to read 24 books this year. I know 24 are too little. There’s someone determined to read 100 books a year! I can’t beat that. I know my limit.

I have collecting quiet an amount of books since January and I thought it would be great to share my opinion or my feeling towards the books that I have read. It’s all about fun and how I dealing with my feelings when I read a book. It’s also to show my gratefulness to the author who wrote this fantastic book. This is personal opinion that came from deep of my heart. So, bear with me okay? …and no hard feeling…

To give you some preview about what I have read since January, the picture above is the right one. I am collecting this much since January 2016. Now it’s May 2016 and I still want to read more and more. I believed I always can find a new fact or something useful or maybe new term when I read new book. Let’s take Diagnosis2 as an example. I learn about a simple medical term. Though it’s not much but at least I learn something. Hey, that’s better than nothing.

What I realized is whenever I am in the bookstore, I always searching for paranormal, mystery, crime investigation and that type of genre. It seems I like ‘dark side’ so much and can be friend with Kylo Ren. *insert evil laugh here* Okay, actually the reason why I love that type genre is unknown (or maybe my brother implanted a chip somewhere in my brain. Haha…) but I still remember my first time read a book about crime. Actually it’s not a novels or non-fiction book. It’s just a comic book. Yes, you read it right. My first love is a comic book titled – Detective School Q (Tantei Gakuen Q). I remember I made a post about this a long time ago too. HERE.

For 12 years old girl Kina, comic is too fun to read. English novel is out of her mind. Not slightly in her mind that she will collecting English novel because she’s not to fond to English (just because her English is too bad that time and she think she never can read English novels peacefully). Even when I’m writing this post, my English is still bad but that’s why I am learning, to be brave to use English as part of my life. It’s never hurt to try, isn’t it?

Hey! Its 8 paragraphs in one post! What I am thinking! Haha. Actually this post is about how I looked and feels about books as a whole. I want to make a review and maybe share my feelings about certain books more details after this posts. I hope booklovers will love this and it’s for me too. After all, my blog is my diary. My way to keep me remember what I have done and who am I. It’s for you too, to read and understand my feelings but if you don’t like it, you can just leave it. Nobody will hurt. Then, see you again my friends. *Warm Hugs*



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