How to get beauty product for free?


I believe everyone wants to appear beautiful anytime and anywhere they go. It’s the same for me. I love makeup and that makes I have a confident to interact with people. (Yes, there’s a people like me. Don’t judge ㅠ_ㅠ)

But, sometimes, buying a good beauty product can cost us a fortune! It always makes my wallet cry every time I go to buy something. Sometimes, it’s too expensive and I was like “I want this, oh this is good too! What should I do?” and that’s the beginning of the story where I overspend my money. Yup, when thinking about that moment, I still want to cry. XD

However, now I have a solution! This is the good one too! Let’s hear it, my friend out there, this is maybe the best site I’ve ever known. I introduced you to Favful! Where’s my heart goes thump thump~

On this site, you can compare the price from various website. It’s so time-saving as you didn’t have to go back and forth browsing the different website to see where’s cheaper than the other. It’s all in one place! So easy!

As an example, here’s a print screen of my favourite brands of makeup, Etude House. As you can see, there’s a price comparison on the right side. When you satisfy with the price, just click Buy~

You also can read a review before you buy anything. It’s better than just buy it without knowing what you buy, right?

What else? Oh, yeah… I forgot, it’s actually about ‘How to get beauty product for free’. I am so into the detail about Favful because it so excites me! I’m sorry~

So, here’s the main question. “How to get beauty product for free?” At Favful, they have ‘Favful Influencers Program’. This program recognised you for your active contributions that make the SEA beauty community stronger, better, smarter. When you join the community, by join I mean sign up, you will earn 20pts as a start.

Then? You can earn more points when you favourite, scan, add, sharing, review, purchase a product, etc. You have a lot of time doing this and I believe you will love it. Just review what product you currently use and TADAA! You got points! Easy right? The Favful reward you with incredible benefits - from free beauty samples, discount vouchers, exclusive invites to major beauty events and even chance to be featured in the beauty community based on Levels.

After your points are enough to redeem the products you want, you can redeem them right away! Say ‘YAY’! Haha… I have a very good mood today.

So, what do you waiting for? Let’s join the community and earn 20pts! Just click the button below! So easy…



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