Recently I am so interested into graphics, fashion, kdrama and
ropleplay world. I don’t know what happen to me though. :p
Picture from : Yibada
Yesterday, I just finished watching DESCENDANTS OF THE SUN,
a popular kdrama right now. Why I even bother to download this 19 episodes
drama (plus special episodes)? That’s because I have heard a LOT of compliment
that say this drama is awesome. So, my curiosity is up to the level that I
think I must watch it no matter what. So, I downloaded it.
It’s true! The story is great. I even wonder how the script
writer can make this drama so wonderful. Salute to the writer. ^_^ The emotion
is real. Song Jong Ki really a good actor. I can feel it with my heart. (Aww,
so cheesy! Forget it. :p)
So, here’s the funny story. I almost believe that Urk is a
real country. Silly me. :p That’s before I read an article somewhere that Urk
is a fictional country and they filming at Greece. I amazed with the props they
have build. The scene when they have an earthquake is really like a blockbuster
I love this kind of drama. More please~ :p
Interesting? You can watch all the episodes here :
Picture from : Kpopbuddy
-There are one more things
that I pay attention for, the fashion. Yes, the fashion style is simple but
nice and I think I will make another post about that. Please wait~ ^_^